Simple WordPress Post Feed
Display your WordPress post feed on your storefront

Plug & Play
Once you installed the application go to your theme customizer and add “Simple WordPress Post Feed” block.

Dynamic Layouts
See in real time how your layout & design changes when you tweak settings in the Shopify storefront customizer

Dynamic sections
Simple WordPress Post Feed uses the new dynamic section function allowing you to simply drag and drop to position it.
WordPress is used by 33.5% of all the websites online
Simple WordPress Post Feed allows you to display the post feed from your WordPress site with just a few clicks and with no configuration needed on the WordPress site itself.
Easy setup
- Integrate with your store’s dynamic sections
- Use Theme visual editor to add section u0026amp; configure settings
- No code editing or adding snippets needed
- Control design u0026amp; and other settings directly from your store’s visual editor and see changes in realtime.
Performance & Search Engine friendly
- Built with modern technologies to allow for great user experience while supplying maximum performance.
- Support the latest native chrome technologies for lazy loading images.
- Fully compatible with search engines
Simple WordPress Post Feed FAQ
If you running into issues please check frequent questions and answers first. If you can’t find you solution here then reach out to our support on our contact page that you find link to in the footer
Posts not showing
If posts is not showing there is 2 common problems
Common issue 1
Featured image is not set on the posts. If your wordpress is self hosted you find instructions here and if you hosting on wordpress.com you find instructions here how to set featured image.
Common Issue 2
Sometimes self hosted WordPress sites block the API call due to something called CORS. Luckily there is a wordpress plugin that fixes this issue.
Follow this steps
1. On your wordpress install the plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/http-headers/
2. Activate plugin & go to Settings > HTTP Headers
3. In plugin settings click “Access control”
4. Turn on “Access-Control-Allow-Origin”
5. Save
Now go back to Shopify and try to load your posts again
Images is not showing up
I would like to request another layout design
Please reach out to our support with your request and we will try to make it a reality
Where can i find Simple WordPress Post Feed Private Policy
You find the private policy here
How can i see my post category ID’s
By default WordPress don’t display the ID’s. However there is a simple solution to this. Simply install and activate following plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/wpsite-show-ids/
After activting plugin you will now see the ID’s when going to the categories section that you find in the menu under Posts.